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July 12, 2006

Waiting, waiting for the prompt

So that's it. We're all done. The cot is out of the loft and up, my studio is dismantled and no longer in our big second bedroom at the back (sniff) and Daisy is. The guest bedroom's been moved into what was Daisy's tiny bedroom. After rebuilding god knows how many bookshelves and wardrobes, and carrying what felt like a ton of stuff between cellar and loft, I ache with every muscle and bone in my body.

But this morning John Lewis came with a new mattress for the cot, and Vicky washed all the newborn-sized babygros and hung them out onto the line.

The baby can turn up now.

(Although it would be rather lovely if we both got to catch up on some sleep first. 19 days to go.)

Posted by Tom Dolan at July 12, 2006 10:42 PM


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