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February 06, 2006
Our future, muddied by semantics.
This weekend, we took young Daisy to Ikea for the first time to buy her a Proper Grown Up Bed. (Little realising the hassle the ikea-sized mattress would later produce, but that's not for right now)
We were musing on how different it was when we were little, when beds all came with drawers made out of a slightly fragile white plastic that always went yellow and snapped in the end.
These days, of course, everything is made of good old-fashioned wood.
Which is better, becuase you can recycle wood, or make paper from it, or at a push burn it. There's no point recycling that fragile white plastic - nobody wants it any more anyway. Even in an ironic manner. So we're left feeling good about ourselves by default - if you need more wood, you grow it, from one of those sustainable forests.
But it's an odd choice of word, 'sustainable', isn't it? Leaves just that faint trail of inconclusiveness.
When can I buy something that's made from actually sustained forests?
You know, just to be on the safe side.
Posted by Tom Dolan at February 6, 2006 02:15 PM
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