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April 11, 2005
Doing what you're good at.
One of my age-old diatribes is that BT , National Power, British Gas etc are basically just billing companies. The wires, pipes etc are just a convenient way of providing you with stuff they can bill you for. The unsung glory is that investment in meters, databases, and very very fast printers. In the same way that media companies (with a few notable exceptions) provide programmes as a handy way of keeping you watching between the adverts.
I've been increasingly of the opinion that there are more and more micropayment opportunities arriving where a mobile phone is ideal. They are simple ordinary things, and as a result quite unlikely to happen as they don't pave the way for takeovers of major media organisations and don't look really glam on a powerpoint. (And it's also possible that, unlike iMode, they're trying to take slightly too much of the pie...personal opinion only)
Quite a few nice ideas brewing at the moment - most of which won't make much money, so they're even *less* likely to happen re the above. Sadly current work situation means I can't discuss much. Watch this space for exciting new role though...
Anyway, how strange to be paying for my wifi access at the Heathrow T1 departure lounge by text message to T-Mobile.
[update. though I can't help feeling the having-to-send-a-new-SMS-every-15-mins could have been thought through better!]
Posted by Tom Dolan at April 11, 2005 03:42 PM
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