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March 19, 2004

How the other side see it

I was very impressed by Tom Coates' recent post on Ninjas v Pirates and Elves v Dwarves.

As I'm also a pirate elf, though possibly more pirate and less elf than Tom, I resented the implication that I could be so easily categorised, and feel that the graph should actually represent people as polygons rather than points. So you would be the cartesian product of your range of elf-dwarf skills and your range of pirate-ninja skills. Or more likely you would be at a different place on the ninja-pirate axis when at your most dwarfish to when you are at your most elvish.

There's also an argument to say that there should be two translucent shapes on there - how you see yourself, and how you actually are.

But of course all of this would a) make the graph impossible to read, b) give it far more seriousness than the thought-experiment warrants.

So to cure this, I here present the paranoid version of Tom's mighty chart - showing how various sides see eachother.


Posted by Tom Dolan at March 19, 2004 03:32 PM

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