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December 16, 2003
Small but perfectly formed
Well, a few things in life are looking up at the moment.
- Possibly got a bit of work for next week. A nice little chunk of cash at a critical moment.
- We're probably going to be having the baby at home. This will be lovely, though it sounds scary and messy until you've looked into it.
- 'Spadger' is just plain *huge*. She's 35 weeks at the moment, but the height of a 37-week-old. (Warning, scary biology bit coming up) When you have a baby, there's this stage at the end where 'the head engages'. This is where it finally settles into the dip at the bottom of the womb, and it drops by an inch or two. This then means that the mum can breathe again and doesn't get heartburn, as there's no baby pushing things back up. Sadly, because spadger is so tall, she has already engaged. So no let up for Vix. But for good reasons.
- Badlanguage is coming along nicely. Greyscreen up v soon. You're going to like it. Probably.
- Keeping jobhunting confined to certain hours of the day in certain rooms of the house does wonders for your sanity
- As does the MDs of recruitment agencies saying they want to see you personally
- Nursery fees? Bollocks, we'll just put them on the mortgage...
- A few nice essays bubbling away in my head. Mostly politics strangely
- Oh, and I realised that I'm allowed to pitch interactive ideas to broadcasters as an independent producer. I don't have to wait for them to give me a job.
- I'm going to a lovely party tonight, where I'm looking forward, rather than looking back.
In many ways, the last few days have signified a change from abject misery that this time - the run up to christmas and then the birth - wasn't how we'd imagined at all, into a gift that we're getting to spend our last bit of time as just a couple *as* a couple, rather than having all that awful work stuff getting in the way.
Many more useful bloggy things to say, but they'll have to wait for a little while as the rapidly-filling car parks of Bluewater beckon for Christmas shopping...
Posted by Tom Dolan at December 16, 2003 09:51 AM
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