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August 14, 2003

I scare myself

There's a convention in comedy sketches where a bunch of idiots do something really really expensive, and to keep the audience amused a little cash counter appears on screen, with numbers whizzing away.

Examples that spring to mind are when Bernard and Manny in 'Black Books' are drinking the £7,000 bottle of wine intended for the pope. Or in 'Young Persons Guide To Becoming A Rock Star' when the just-signed band don't realise just how much of their money the record company are spending on their behalf.

That came unbidden to mind when I found this fascinating and eminently clickable photostory of the renovation of a grand piano.

My wallet empathises.

Posted by Tom Dolan at August 14, 2003 11:34 AM

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I recently encountered a service that will create a website for your company. You fill out a form with various tidbits of information about your company and the program creates a cookie-cutter type of web page. The price for this service you ask? $9000... [Read More]

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