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August 08, 2003

Symbiosis lubricated.

Why do they keep yelling at me? should be compulsory reading for most technical types who think they are good communicators but probably aren't. Interestingly it points out that one of the skills that makes you good at the job (being a bit attention-deficit so you can switch tasks quickly) is also the thing that means you can't remember what you were doing when asked to account for your time.

If you don't tell your manager what you're doing in a way that they can easily communicate to their peers, you're creating a lot of new work for your manager in two ways: first, by creating a need for them to defend you to their peers, and secondly by making it actually difficult for them to do so. Good managers will review and evaluate their own focus and resource allocation continually. Making it easy for them do to so is good for both of you.

It's only a beginning, but it's a good beginning.

(Via paranoid fish/links)

Posted by Tom Dolan at August 8, 2003 06:34 PM

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