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August 07, 2003

On a hot summer night, do you offer your heart to the wolf with the red wine?

A little bit of inspiration struck last night and we went to bed with much needed 'cold water bottles'.

I imagine, like me, you've got a Rapid Ice wine cooler in your freezer, waiting for that next bottle of white.

Wrap it in a tea towel and take it to bed with you tonight. It'll provide a small focus of cool in a world where everything seems hot. Particularly nice at the top of your chest, where the blood vessels are near the surface.

And you can pop it back into the freezer each morning.

(Life insurers please look away here.)

Of course, if you're the sort of person who has several of these ready at any given time, for *those* sorts of evenings, then you can provide one to your sleeping companion too!

PS: Guests chez Dolan - it stayed in its tea towel and was only used in savoury places. You don't have to eye up drinks I serve you suspiciously.

Posted by Tom Dolan at August 7, 2003 07:37 AM

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And still no-one has spotted the reference in the title. I feel very very old.

Posted by: Tom Dolan at August 11, 2003 06:09 PM

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