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May 15, 2003

commercial vs public service

Several people have asked me about the difference between working in a public/fixed funding body and the commercial sector. And it's an odd one, because really I have to answer 'I don't know yet'. I thought I knew, but I'm coming across more contradictions as time goes on.

I saw Danny O'Brien back in Sept 01, and he had a way of describing the US which is kind of similar to how I feel.

If you go from Britain to Europe, you start off with everything feeling very alien, but over time you realise that actually you're very similar.
If you go to the US, everything feels incredibly familiar, but over time you realise they're utterly different

At first glimpse, the inner workings of my current 'safe' employer seems very similar to the BBC. How the departments interrelate, certain bits of policy etc. But the longer I spend here, the more I realise that the reasons behind all those workings are utterly different. And I've nearly come unstuck a few times from believing they were the same.

But the wierdest thing of all is just how often you bump into other ex-BBC people!

Posted by Tom Dolan at May 15, 2003 09:26 AM

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