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March 17, 2003
Bunking Off?
From londonbylondon the rather fab new mailout from those folks who do The Friday Thing and Popped Clogs.
I fell asleep on the train from Victoria to Brighton the other
evening. The only problem was, I was going to Croydon, not
Brighton. When I woke up I did the maths in my head and decided
a) to stay in Brighton and b) to phone in sick the next day. I
made the right decision. I had a fantastic time, and got
incredibly drunk at the pub just by the bottom of the pier, and
spent the next day jollying around like a 15 year old. I felt a
fantastic sense of independence and self-respect as a result of
being stranded there - even though I contributed almost nothing
to the experience except getting drunk, and eating lots of
haddock. Which brings me to the main point of why I was writing:
I had a really great time in Brighton - one of the best times
since bunking off school - I felt carefree and naughty, and when
I think about it, I reckon there's a place for institutionalised
bunking-off in today's society. So, if someone wants to join me
on a trip round some cafés and amusement arcades one day next
week, when you should be tucked away in a meeting, then please do
drop me a line:
If you want to find out more, like the email address needed, then you'll have to sign up. It's free.
Posted by Tom Dolan at March 17, 2003 02:32 PM
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