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March 07, 2003
Five...Books I could write in my spare time
Breaking the Groove
A partwork on strategies for discovering, and liking, new music once you hit your mid-thirties.
Nielsen and Neilson, How Jakob destroyed online showbiz
Manifesto: Let's remove the blockages in organisatons caused by usability experts and try and make things *useful* first, and then usable second. The world is full or perfectly usable stuff that's actually not particularly useful. And I'd far rather the other way round as you can fix that.
The Dole Office for Smart People
A brief guide to help you deal with some of the mind-numbing beauracracy and poor information you're going to receive. Chapter titles: Opening hours and how to find them. JSA and Social Services - two different beasts. JSA interview judo - how to turn undermining tactics back on people while seeming nice. Jargon Compounder - how to know more about the process than the person you're talking to. Bugs and Beauracracy - frustrations of the enemy, and how to exploit them for sympathy. Appearance - how to turn up look motivated and professional while knowing you'll be sitting between two people with facial tattoos.
Leftbrain thinking for Righthanders
For gods sake stop encroaching on our territory. Let us come up with the mad stuff - we'll need you guys to actually do it for us. We certainly can't. Concentrate on getting the bit you're good at right.
A brief history of interactive narrative
Not really a book, more a collaborative multimedia experience, which would only work on a platform and delivery infrastructure yet to be devised.
Posted by Tom Dolan at March 7, 2003 09:54 AM
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