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November 07, 2002

Abject Failure

I know, I know, I know. I haven't updated this thing for a good few days now, and the once-witty and well-argued posts have become random sparse jottings of no real consequence. And there's a reason for this.

I'm happy.

And fundamentally, like writing pop songs, it's a hell of a lot easier to do blogging about miserable stuff. A lot easier to get everyone on-side and cross linking in a 'I remember feeling that crap as well'. Because, in general, we tend to be much better at remembering the rubbish stuff than the great moments.

I can't help feeling that a blog full of joy would just end up sounding like I was showing off. Will my blogroll, and blogrollers, change as a result? What the hell am I going to do now I've got to the state I thought I'd never reach, so don't have a "and then..." plan?

So please pardon the radio silence while I try to work out what my new 'voice' would be.

Posted by Tom Dolan at November 7, 2002 12:30 PM

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