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August 14, 2002
Placebo beware
Well that has to be one of the most surreal experiences of my life. So on Friday I get a call from a TV production company that might be offering me work, asking if I'd like to come up to Edinburgh on Monday to come to a party. Oh, and they'd pay.
Thoughts of networking opportunities, the train journey along the coast past Berwick, and drinking with some dear friends persuaded me that this was a good idea...and hey, if I can't take advantage of stuff like that in my current position, when can I?
And so it was that I got my first taste of real TV production. Running round Edinburgh in a cab to borrow cameras, or to buy a saw and spraycans of black paint so we could cover up a grille on the stage so Nancy Sinatra wouldn't fall through it. No, as you can tell, the boots weren't made for walking.
An exhilerating experience - Nancy was fab, and turned out to be a truly friendly and down-to-earth person (there will be pictures of the two of us on here soon, I promise) and I rediscovered the twin joy of a pint of 80-shilling and a single malt. Oh Scotland, you got it *so* right.
Posted by Tom Dolan at August 14, 2002 11:42 PM
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